
Saturday, June 12, 2021

“Tach Pollard” – Surfing the Grain

Burnt Hawthorn

Living in the United Kingdom near the woods, Tach Pollard began collecting oak roots in a wheel barrow while still a child and sold them outside his father’s shop.

Fire Antler
Burnt Hawthorn

Using mostly oak roots from the local woods, Tach views carving as a way to honor the tree from which the gnarled roots were born.

Hawthorn Gold Leaf

The inspiration comes from the skeletal structure of the wood itself. “Oak root often whispers in the shadows that dance and describe ancient faces.”

Ephemeral II

During the last few years, Pollard has also added carvings from the hawthorn, which is very hard and tight grained and is a tree with mystical ties and designated in folklore.

Melissa Returns
Burnt Hawthorn

The whiteness of the wood combined with the splits, cracks, and shifts during burnishing give each carved piece its own unique design.

Dark Light
Burnt Oak

Forming the dark bodies using a blow torch creates the incredible contrast to the pale, peaceful faces.

Burnt Hawthorn

Worldwide myths and traditions, along with Celtic and Inuit traditions, help create the inspiration from which Pollard works, including a fascination to the ideas of shapeshifting and sea creatures.

Burnt Hawthorn

I love carving. I really feel honoured to go on a journey with the spirit of whichever wood I’m working with. It feels like a dance, a way in which to express and give life to the folkloric songs embedded and infused into the wood.”

Wolf Mother
Burnt Hawthorn

Hawthorn Gold Leaf

Visit the links below to see many more fluid sculptures by Tach Pollard.


Art Toy Gama

Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize

Colossal (2018)

Colossal (2019)




USA Art News

Note:  My mother, who was also a wood carver, stated that she simply removed the unnecessary wood to allow what was already there to emerge. (N.F. Lewis)

All images used with the courtesy of Tach Pollard


  1. I love all of these, so, so beautiful! I would be hard to pick a favorite. I love the flow of the lines and those serene faces, they have something meditative for me.
    Thank you for sharing.

    1. These sculptures definitely spoke to me. I loved the faces on all of these and would love to have one. You're welcome, and thank you for visiting!
