
Thursday, June 30, 2016

Marcelo De Castro Engineer/Nature and Travel Photographer

While seeing the world while traveling for his job, Marcelo De Castro began his creative relationship with photography. Since 2010, his love for nature and the outdoors has directed his focus to landscape photography.

Neuschwanstein Castle in the Bavarian Alps
Photo:  Marcelo De Castro

The Neuschwanstein Castle has always been my favorite castle and my hope is to see it in the future. Hours have been spent placing the pieces of the 1,000 piece puzzle to create the complete image. This winter photo by Marcelo is one that truly captures the mystery and beauty of this amazing castle.

Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes at sunset
Photo:  Marcelo De Castro

For the sake of photography, Marcelo now visits places he normally would not go, at times he normally would not be traveling, and braves weather which previously would have kept him inside. Photography has broadened the scope of his travel in the hope of discovering new places to find the perfect scene.

Giza Plateau, Egypt
Photo:  Marcelo De Castro

Marcelo grew up in Brasil and lived a large portion of his life in the United States where he graduated from Michigan State University with a degree in electrical engineering.

Visit Marcelo's Website to see his featured photos in National Geographic Traveller, National Geographic Rarely Seen, Destinations of a Lifetime, Fotografe Melhor (Brasil), and Photo Digital (Germany).

Above Guangxi Mountains
Southern China six-image stitched panorama

Photo:  Marcelo De Castro

Marcelo behind the scenes
in the Mandalay Region of Myanmar


(Google+ is now obsolete.)

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