
Monday, February 9, 2015

The Exotic Arctic Marble Fox

The coloration of the Arctic Marble Fox is not something which occurs in nature but is acquired from human intervention and the kits are born in captivity. Marble foxes occur as genetic mutations, called color phases, resulting from breeding the red fox. Their beautiful white fur displays patches of black or tan across the face and on the ears. The Fur Commission USA also reports that an “arctic marble” was born in a silver fox litter in Norway in 1945 at Sverre Omber’s farm.

Black Pine Animal Sanctuary
Photo:  Karine Aigner

Ozzie, in the photo above, was rescued by the Black Pine Animal Sanctuary after being left on the front porch of a home in Indiana without care. He was only about six months of age and had already lived a number of different places.


Arctic Marble Fox
Bored Panda
Photo:  Ewald Mario
While exotic animals have become favorites to own, research and education on the species you wish to acquire is the very first step. Living with and caring for a fox is very different than owning a cat or dog. Check first to determine if owning a fox is legal in your state. We had sugar gliders for a number of years, and discovered that it is not legal in every state to have a sugar glider living in your home. Learn the facts about the fox or any exotic animal before you make that purchase.

Daryl Dee
Sibil's Den
Do your research to find reputable dealers. As with all breeders/dealers, some are just in it for the money without respect to the animal or its welfare.  Foxes are not going to
thrive while living in a house on a full-time basis. They are outdoor animals and also need an outdoor environment in which to feel at home. Their life span is typically 10 to 15 years in captivity and they will weigh anywhere from 6 to 20 pounds. The first six months of a fox kit's life is the ideal time to develop bonding. Foxes need activity and attention to avoid boredom as a bored fox will find something to do and it will probably tend toward being more destructive. Diet for a fox can include beef, venison, poultry, fruit, vegetables, and dog food. Concern has to be given to other animals you may have. Dogs and foxes tend to get along very well, but cat's and foxes are not a good mix. When adding another kit to mix, it is best to monitor any activity between the two until the kit becomes older. Litter box training can take longer with some foxes than others, but persistence is the key to success. Unless you plan on breeding your fox, spaying/neutering will diminish some of odor arising from their marking. They will continue to mark their territory even after spaying/neutering.

Photo/story: Kimberly Deverell

If you are considering a fox as a future pet, visit Sybil’s Den for the Red Fox Family Care Sheet (Silver fox, Marble Fox, Glazier Fox, Pearl Fox) to begin the journey with information on purchasing, environment, young kits, training, spaying/neutering, scent glands, feeding and breeders.

Talk to others who have or have had a fox as a pet to determine what is actually needed to care for one of these amazing creatures. Hearing from someone who has lived that life, will help you decide if you are ready for this new experience.

What exotic animal have you ever had as a pet?



  1. I'd like one, where can I find one?

    1. Visit Sybil's Den from the link above, and then click on the "Other Links" tab on her Website. It lists some breeders who might be able to help you. If you get one, please feel free to share a photo here.


    1. If you would read a little, you would know they were never there in the first place.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. The first sentence in this post states, "The coloration of the Arctic Marble Fox is not something which occurs in nature but is acquired from human intervention and the kits are born in captivity." Thank you for visiting!

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. They're not wild in the first place.

    1. The first sentence of this post states, "The coloration of the Arctic Marble Fox is not something which occurs in nature but is acquired from human intervention and the kits are born in captivity. Thank you for visiting the story!

  4. Is having one same as having a dog? They look so cute enough to want to have one. But I can only imagine the needs in taking care of one. Also there aren't that many emergency animal hospital for exotic pets. I have no idea with these stuff.

    1. According to what I've read, they are different than taking care of a cat or dog. Here's a link to Sybil's Den to the page with regard to buying and caring for foxes. She even shows photos She says that they love being with their owners but also love the outdoors in their enclosure. They are so sweet and would be fun to have, but they do need more care than a dog or cat. You are so right that there aren't that many vets for exotic pets! There's only one in the area where I live which I used when I had a Sugar Glider many years ago. These marble foxes are too cute, though!

    2. I meant to say the link is above in the "Sources" for Sybil's Den.

  5. I'd love one, but they seem pretty expensive, as I am still young and don't have much money.

    1. I would love to have one of these beautiful foxes, also. Besides the expense, they do need certain care with regard to environment which could be a little challenging. They are just such beautiful animals. Thank you for visiting my blog!

  6. stop promoting ownership of exotics and hybrids. most are abused or dumped due to the fact that they are still wild at heart. this includes foxes of any color.

    1. This post was made to show the beauty of these amazing animals and to provide information with regard to responsibility for anyone considering owning one. There does not appear to be statistics regarding any number of these animals being either abused or dumped as there is with companion animals in the United States. Approximately 6.5 million companion animals enter shelters in the U.S. every year. Of those, approximately 3.3 million are dogs and 3.2 million are cats. People need to take responsibility for owning any type of animal, and this article was to provide resources for doing that.

  7. I thought so, too! Thank you for stopping by the story!

  8. You're welcome! I am not in the market to purchase monkeys as Colorado does not legally allow us to own them here. Thank you for visiting my post and have a great day!

  9. Replies
    1. Ozzie came to live at the Black Pine Animal Sanctuary when he was about six months old after being confiscated from his owners. He lived at Black Pine until July 2020, when his liver began to fail and one of his lungs collapsed. He was nine years old at the time when he died. He was a beautiful animal.
